Odhrán is a bubbly, chatty, dramatic toddler. He is 19 months and we have enjoyed every moment of his life. He amazes us each moment of every day with all that he can do and what he has achieved. He loves to play with his two dogs and go for walks with his mammy and daddy. However, the biggest love of his life is food, which all started when we went on holiday to Italy. It’s safe to say that he makes his mammy feel like a Michelin star chef, by how he devours mammy’s cooking!
Odhrán attends his local mainstream playschool. He has only started to bum shuffle and prior to that, his peers in nursery would come and sit down with him to play. He loves socializing and playing with his friends at nursery. Odhrán is loved by everyone he meets and continues to hold an audience whenever we go out, even if it’s just to the shops! His smile is infectious and he is also a big flirt which helps him get his own way most of the time! His smile and laugh lights up the room and he uses his whole body to smile!
Odhrán is signed to the modelling company Zebedee Management which is a modelling agency in the UK. He has appeared in the The Wouldn’t Change a Thing BOOK and was in the 2018 calendar for the Wouldn’t Change a Thing awareness group in the UK.
Odhrán recently became a big brother and has taken the role in his stride. He has begun to show his caring side and wants to comfort the baby whenever he starts to cry. Being a big brother has also brought Odhrán along developmentally as he has become more chatty and confident.
Odhrán is a fabulous little boy and we are so excited to represent Nothing Down as a 2020 ambassador. We as a family see Trisomy 21 as something to be celebrated, and not feared. Our kids with Down syndrome are amazing and Odhrán is just beating all the odds and challenges he has faced in his short life so far.