Hannah Grace
Hannah Grace burst into this world with all odds seemingly against her. She was born with three holes in her heart, that gave her MAYBE 3 years to live at most, possible Leukemia, a post-birth Down Syndrome diagnosis, and a father who refused to accept that diagnosis- abandoning us when she was only 5 days. We were left virtually homeless with no car, no job, and very little hope (find our full story at https://paperdollsphotography.com/letter-to-my-daughter/ ).
Hannah is now almost 5 years old and has beat ALL odds. Every hole in her heart closed up without a knife ever touching her chest (yes, God is still in the miracle working business). ‘Look Mom, no scar!’ My miracle child has become one of the biggest self-advocates this world has ever seen- just by BEING HERSELF!
She is the heartbeat behind the mission of my advocacy platform Paperdolls Photography. Hannah has been featured in International news media all over the globe, along with many of her friends as you’ll see in the link. At almost 5 years old she has LITERALLY saved lives by showing those who have been given a prenatal Trisomy 21 diagnosis that Down Syndrome is an EXTRAordinary gift that comes wrapped in the most unexpected package. All you have to do is simply open and accept it.
We are beyond blessed to partner with Nothing Down to continue our mission of advocacy!