
Ean Anderson is 10 years old and lives in New Mexico, where he attends the fourth grade. Ean has Mosaic Down Syndrome. He loves school and is such a smarty pants! He excels in math, reading, art, PE, and computers. He enjoys helping others learn in his classroom as well! He enjoys going to rock concerts, swimming, traveling, and playing music. Ean is one of the most loving, kind souls there is. He loves his family, friends, teachers, and his community very much. In fact, in our community, so many people know and love Ean and run up to give him hugs and talk with him. He knows how truly loved he is, too! Ean is truly our biggest blessing! We are so grateful to God for giving Ean to us and for allowing us to be a part of all of the wonderful and amazing things that he succeeds in every day. He has already accomplished so much! He models and proves how wonderful and awesome people with Down syndrome are. Our ultimate goal, as a family, is to show the world that Down Syndrome is not something to be feared, but rather something that is special, beautiful, and such a blessing! We love you, Ean!

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