Elijah from Australia is 16 months old and so full of life and cheekiness!
I was a single mum and only 17 years old when I became pregnant. When I was 23 weeks along, I was told Elijah would be born with Down syndrome and duodenal atresia (a blockage in his bowel). He was in NICU for 22 days after having surgery at 3 days old.
Since then, he’s been one of the happiest little boys I’ve ever seen.
Elijah might be shy around new people but, my goodness, can he work it in front of a camera! He is so sassy and forever smiling and laughing.
Elijah is now sitting, crawling and is standing confidently, all things he’s taught himself.
He loves his cousins, Blayze and Ellah, and follows them everywhere, playing with them every chance he gets. Elijah babbles like crazy and his favorite words are Dad, Mum, bub and nan.
Elijah is so sweet and affectionate. He gives the best hugs and kisses, and is always giving cuddles, especially to me and his Gwarmy. His sweet personality shines through everyday. But, quite frankly, I believe we might be in trouble when he’s older, as he’s already super cheeky and sly!
Elijah doesn’t let Down syndrome define him and is very much like any other child. We see his extra chromosome as just more for us to love. He is so very loved in our family and we wouldn’t have Elijah any other way.