
Please meet Bella. Bella is 2 years old and lives in the UK. We had a prenatal unofficial diagnosis so we had plenty of time to prepare for our little bundle arriving. Bella was born on the 20th January 2017 weighing 5lb 7oz. She was born with a small hole in her heart which closed up on its own by her 1st birthday. Other than that, Bella has no other health issues.

Bella is a part of the “Wouldn’t Change a Thing” charity in the UK, trying to make negative perceptions of Down syndrome a thing of the past.

Bella took part in the Down right beautiful campaign last summer and we absolutely love to spread awareness wherever we can. Down syndrome is nothing to be feared and we cant wait to help spread that with Nothing Down. Bella is a little star and makes people smile wherever she goes.

We are so proud of this little girl and will continue to raise awareness where we can.

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